Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fashion faux pas

 Fashion faux pas
A faux pas is defined as "a slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct; an embarrassing social blunder or indiscretion."[1] More specifically, a fashion faux pas is an unfortunate error in fashion etiquette. Entire decades have been considered a "fashion faux pas". For example, during the 17th century, it was common for men to wear very large lace collars, breeches and stockings, theatrical-looking hats embellished with ostrich plumes, and very long hair which evolved into extravagant, powdered white wigs by the 18th century.[2] Of course, the late 1970s brought to us "high-waisted plaid bell bottoms and pale-blue polyester tuxedos and leisure suits".[2] The 1980s were fraught with creations such as shoulder pads, DayGlo colours, and parachute pants.[2] However, most instances of fashion faux pas are considered isolated events, as described through such examples as "the wardrobe malfunction", "shrimp cocktail toes" and "mom jeans".
Fashion faux pas
Fashion faux pas
Fashion faux pas
Fashion faux pas
Fashion faux pas

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