Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tail Lights

What do you do with truck tail lights which no longer work? Turn them into a chandelier! This innovative chandelier designed by Stuart Haygarth, a Berlin based artist, illustrator and lighting designer is just brilliant and I love the re-use & recycle concept being put into great works of design.

Greenhouse Building

When we think of greenhouses many of us imagine a pristine building of glass with endless trays of plants. But your greenhouse doesn’t have to be grand to bear produce and take a bite out of your grocery bill. Location, Location, Location Obviously, the greenhouse should be places where it cane get the most sunlight. In our hemisphere the best choice is directly south or on southeast side of your

Friday, May 30, 2008


If you are thinking of making some eco-conscious changes to your home but would like to weigh the cost benefit there is a great site devoted to spelling out the pay back of going green. Green and Save saves your money and the planet one home at a time.